Wednesday, January 16, 2008

One Cause of WWII: Expansionist Policy of Germany (German)

In this cartoon, Hiter is shown as a giant of a man sitting behind a table. His arms are abnormally wrong and tentacle-like and encircling pieces of land and bringing it to his side of the table, the Greater Germany. The pieces of land are the Sudetenland, Saar, and Danzig. These are the lands that Hitler won using his Expansionist Policy or the lands that he intends to win like Danzig. Hitler is portrayed as being all-powerful and fearsome because during the time period between March 1935 and March 1939, Hitler was feared by the European powers such as Britain and France. The European powers of Britain and France are shown as tiny and powerless ants against a large German Empire. Since, during that time period, France and Britain showed very little resistance to the German aggressive foreign policy. The words used here are the names of the lands and "Tiny ants against such a huge power". This quotation describes the power of Britain and France compared to Germany at that time. The colors use are vibrant and energetic for Germany, portraying the strength and power of Germany. While dull black and white colors are used for Britain and France, portraying their feeble power and lack of strength. Overall, the cartoon portrays are strong Germany, and a weak Britain and France.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Important Person: Benito Mussolini By: Patawut & Kate

Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini was the leader of fascist Italy during the time of World War I and was a close ally to Hitler.. His fascist government valued nationalism, corporatism, militarism, and anti communism. He also enforced strict censorship and state propaganda. Mussolini had served in World War I as a sniper, and had published several novels and newspapers. He later became the Prime Minister of Italy and later built up Italy into a police state. Italy’s fascist government was run by propaganda and here Mussolini’s journalist background came into good use. Mussolini was the one who authorized the attack on Abyssinia and backed up General Francisco Franco during the Spanish Civil War. In May 1939, the alliance between Adolf Hitler and Benito Musolini became official when they signed the Pact of Steel.

Benito Mussolini had a lot of influence in the events that contribute to the start of World War II and events during World War II itself. It was Mussolini who defied the League of Nations and attacked Abyssinia. This showed the world that the League of Nations was weak and that it was afraid to go to war. This gave Hitler a huge boost and allowed him to feel confident enough to ask for territorial rights from Britain. Benito Mussolini was also an ally of Hitler and influenced many of Hitler’s actions and movement. His contributions to the events of World War II itself were even greater that his contributions that led to the war. Since Mussolini was the commander of fascist Italy, he was a very powerful and important person. First off, Italy declared war against Britain and France and allied itself with Nazi Germany. During World War II, Italy attacked France, Greece, and British forces in North Africa. The Italians also participated in the Battle of Britain. Mussolini also sent troops to help the Germans fight the Russians in the USSR and later it declared war on the USA. Italian gains and advances were limited, however.

Mussolini was once a strong leader of fascist Italy but later he was overthrown because of his inability to keep support of the people. Mussolini had always been the “back foot” of Hitler in power and strength. Hitler influenced a lot of Mussolini’s decisions and policies. When World War II started, Italy’s gains are very limited and they were not as powerful and successful as the German Army. Later on, as Italy began to experience many war losses, Mussolini was stripped from power and was replaced by Marshal Pietro Badoglio. This shows that Mussolini was nowhere near as powerful and as ruthless as Adolf Hitler. He was a key figure in World War II but not a very important one. It was Adolf Hitler who was the real leader while Benito Mussolini was the follower. Later Italy tried to secretly surrender to the allies and later signed an armistice. Italy’s actions in World War II proved that it was not a very powerful ally as Hitler might have hoped for. Adolf Hitler was the real power behind the Axis in Europe.

Works Cited:

"Benito Mussolini - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Benito Mussolini. Wikipedia. MediaWiki. 14 Jan 2008 <,,>.

Simkin, John. "Benito Mussolini: Second World War." Spartacus Educational. Spartacus Educational. 14 Jan 2008 <,,>.

Heddlesten, James. "Benito Mussolini." Commando Supremo: Italy at War. 14 Jan 2008 <,,>.

Halsall, Paul. "Modern History Sourcebook: Mussolini: What is Fascism, 1932." Modern History Sourcebook: Mussolini: What is Fascism, 193. 1997. Internet Modern History Sourcebook. 14 Jan 2008 <,,>.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Russian Propaganda Poster Project

Propaganda is a set of messages that is designed to influence the thoughts and opinions of large masses of people. Propaganda can be the truth or information that is not true, but all forms of propaganda aim to make the people believe and think in a certain way. Propaganda comes in all forms of media, for example, newspapers, posters, television, radio, and in the present, the Internet. Propaganda can be a very powerful tool to manipulate people in the masses. It had been used numerous times during the course of history. Propaganda was particularly powerful when used in a country controlled by a dictator. The Soviet Union during Lenin and Stalin’s time used massive amounts of propaganda to control the people of the USSR. Most of the propaganda’s message was stating that the USSR was the best and more just than any other country. Propaganda during Stalin’s time was used to the extreme. The once National heroes were turned into monstrous villains, while Stalin was viewed as having god-like abilities. Propaganda had proved effective and the people were controlled both physically and mentally. Their thoughts and ideas were influenced and manipulated by the government. Russia was undisputedly ruled by the communist party.

The poster states: We, the October's children of our homeland, are faithful to the wise legacy of Lenin. The message of this poster is directed to the youth of the USSR. It tells the youth that Lenin had left a wise legacy for the USSR so there for the people should carry on the Legacy. It is trying to make the people be faithful and loyal to Lenin and the communist party’s rule over the USSR. It conveys its message using colors and pictures of young children. This poster was probably effective because the USSR carried on being a communist party for a number of years after Lenin’s death. It is also effective because most people can feel related to pictures of young children.

The poster states: Thanks to builders! New home. It is trying to make people think that the communist party is building new homes for people making a lot of people happy like the child in the poster. It uses pictures of youth and a peaceful and happy environment to convey its message. It is not very effective because most people know that this is not true. The conditions are still poor even though they build new houses. The pictures were particularly effective in this poster because it shows a happy environment in which everyone wants.

The poster states: The soviet government is million times more democratic than the government of any democratic capitalist republic. It’s trying to make people think that the government run by the communist party is a lot more democratic than any other democratic capitalist republic. It is trying to make people believe that the USSR is just. It conveys the message using pictures like the picture of their leader, Lenin. It proved effective because the people of the USSR were always kept under a tight rein. They were always bombarded with propaganda saying that their country is the most just and the best. Therefore, it wasn’t hard to convince the people of the USSR that they were the most democratic.

This poster states: Our October [Socialist Revolution] was done to achieve togetherness, peace and work. It is saying that the October Revolution was done to achieve the togetherness, peace and work of the whole country. This was to gain the people’s support during the revolution and making the people believe that it was a just revolution. It conveys the message using attractive slogans. It had worked well because they gained the support of the people. Most people, especially the proletariat supported the revolution.

The poster states: [I want] To live like Lenin, grow up to become a communist and to bring new fame for the country! It is trying to inspire the youth of the USSR to become like Lenin and to believe in the communist regime. It also says that if you become a communist like Lenin then you will bring fame to the country. It uses pictures of loyal young people and slogans to convey the message to the people. It had proved efficient and worked at first because during that time people were still supportive of the communist party. However, after a while their trust in the communist party began to deteriorate.

These posters are mostly designed to influence and gain the support of the people of Russia. Every one of them states that the new Russia is better and just than any other country. Some portray images of happiness so that the people would support the government. These posters show us that Russia at the time was fully controlled by the communist party. Ideas and thoughts were fixed and were only introduced to glorify Lenin and Stalin’s rule. The people were also undisputedly under the control of the government. Every piece of information fed to the public is supervised by the government. Propaganda was used widely and conveys messages to the people by the use of media. The truth in Russia at that time was blurred by the constant propaganda released by the government. Lenin was viewed as the hero to his country, and after that, because of propaganda, Stalin was seen as all-knowing and wise. The people in Russia were influenced to believe what the government told them to believe. With constant bombardment of propaganda, the government was able get support from the people. Over all, we can see that Russia was under the strict control of the government at that time.

Works Cited

"Propaganda Posters." Russian posters, Cuban and other posters. Propaganda posters.. 6 Nov 2007 ,